Challenge 17: What is a Quality Blog Comment

This challenge kicks off our focus on Smart Relationships by identifying the elements of a quality blog comment.


  1. Hi Mr Goodwin love your video so much because I want to did so I am yay that video that I watched was awesome because we are going to do have a nice day Mr Goodwin. From Catherine.

  2. Hi I like your video it was great,awesome! so cool video I because it help me and my friend out we said to us we said are what do we do and we saw the video so we watched it then we said ok let get started on it then we got stuck on the last one so we try our best to do the last one so we just comment on it and that was when we finished after that it was so helpful thank you for doing this video.

  3. Hi I liked your video it was great/awesome/And...brilliant.that video was so cool because it helped me and my friend out we said to us we said''what do we do'' so we watched the video then after we watched it we said'' ok lets get started on our work now''because we got stuck on the last one so we watched the video and we figuered out what the answer was.Thank you for doing that video the video was so so so helpful from Hinewai

  4. Hi I like your video it was great that was so cool because it helped me out so good me and the work was a bit hard but I did work it out and I like it so much if there was no video I would of be stuck on it thank you so much it was helpful from tohu

  5. your vidio help so so much i love your work


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